Importance of Breakfast

Starting the day with a good breakfast and daily physical activity for at least 40 minutes helps to prevent overweight in childhood and adolescence, a problem that has 30% of the population under 20 years.

Schools, NGOs and health centers Buenos Aires last week made more than 400 activities for the prevention of overweight and obesity, a call from the Ministry of Health of the Province of Buenos Aires to add actions to the campaign "Armando Health ".

According to a survey, which contains measurements of body mass index (BMI) over 138,803 school pupils aged between 3 and 20 years, 29.9% of boys are overweight while 16.8 climbs levels obesity. These figures have remained stable over the last decade.

This year, the provincial ministry promoted sports and recreational activities based on the theme "Start the day with a good breakfast" with the intent to promote this healthy habit combined with daily physical activity in pediatric age should not be less than 40 minutes a day.

The provincial health minister, Alejandro Collie, explained that "to prevent excess weight the key is the variety of food and regular physical activity, both habits must be present in children and in adults."

For specialists is essential that from early childhood to adults encourage children to make frequent sports or activities, if possible daily and that they find fun, like riding a bike or skates and participate in games that require strength and movement .

"Regular physical activity prevents cardiovascular, neuromuscular and metabolic diseases like diabetes but also ensures healthy process of growth, maturation and development: this means that the exercise will have a key role in the secretion of hormones and the response their receptors, "the official said.

The minister explained that a guy who is more than two hours sitting already considered sedentary and, therefore, presents a major risk factor for overweight, cholesterol, hypertension and type 2 diabetes.


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