Adult Celiac

It is estimated that in Argentina 1 in 100 people have celiac disease, while 93% are unaware of their condition. This means that there are approximately 400,000 coeliacs, of which only 25,000 really know. The importance of diagnosing tiempo.Especialistas warned that delay in diagnosis compromises the start of a diet free of wheat, oats, rye and barley, ie without TACC, which is the only possible approach to this condition, not cure.

According to officials of the Celiac Association Argentina, this is the main reason why more and more people are discovering that celiac disease in adulthood and not during childhood or adolescence.

This reality, which is also present in many other conditions, it became a constant in celiac disease, a condition characterized by chronic inflammation of the intestinal mucosa due to the inability of sufferers to digest the gliadin protein found in gluten turn component of wheat, oats, barley and rye.

The good news is that given the increase of information and dissemination of this disease that occurred in recent times, made visible in both the growth of the food places as well as the multiplication of the specific products available, increasing numbers more doctors who suspect that a person with certain symptoms may have celiac disease, and therefore responsible for studies, even at an age where maybe it was several years since the appearance of the first symptoms.

The licensed Mariana Holgado, coordinator of the Food and Drug Commission of the said Association agreed with this statement and added: "It is precisely because of this that many currently emerging adult celiac diagnoses that have long suffered associated symptoms, suspecting that was the presence of the celiac condition ".

However, it should be noted that the issue is a bit complicated for bias coeliacs who have no symptoms. In them is often much more complicated notice what is happening, and therefore addressing the implementation of a gluten-free diet, only possible treatment for this disease that has no cure.


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