Microsomal Metabolism

Vitamin C plays in the human body numerous physiological functions, including the synthesis of collagen, carnitine and neurotransmitters synthesis and catabolism (equivalent in terms of metabolic destruction) of tyrosine, and the microsomal metabolism. During the metabolism and synthesis of biomolecules ascorbic acid acts as a reducing agent, ie, in chemical terms, donates electrons and prevents oxidation (loss of electrons) maintaining the iron and copper in their reduced state, and therefore active .

Vitamin C acts as electron donor for various enzymes, among which are:

 - Two enzymes necessary for the synthesis of carnitine. Carnitine is critical for the transport of fatty acids into the mitochondria and thus to convert ATP (currency exchange energy in the body) by, first, the beta-oxidation, and then the tricarboxylic acid cycle.
 - Three enzymes involved in the hydroxylation of collagen, where hydroxyl groups are added to the collagen amino acids proline and lysine by hydroxylase enzyme ¨ ¨ propyl. Both reactions require ascorbic acid as a cofactor.

Hydroxylation Collagen is essential for allowing the molecule to fold triple helix structure. The secondary structure is vital for the proper functioning of the protein, including, in this case, to collagen. Therefore, this nutrient is essential in the maintenance and development of scar tissue, the venous system and cartilage. Thus, we see that a deficiency in vitamin C leads to bleeding problems and circulatory system disorders.
 - The remaining three enzymes have common functions between them, but also have individual differences:
 - One of them involved in the metabolism of tyrosine, essential amino acid in the human body. - Another enzyme adds amide groups to peptide hormones (ie, proteins), increasing their stability, amide group to be little susceptible to the esterases present in the blood and tissues. These esterases break ester and amide bonds, the latter being more stable against the action.
- Lastly, dopamine beta-hydroxylase, which is involved in the biosynthesis of norepinephrine from dopamine.


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