Rare Diseae on Children

A recent report revealed that about 3 million people suffer from some sort of condition little known in the country and if not detected early, 33% may die before one year of age. One in 2,000 children may be born with a "rare disease" and if early detection is 33% risk of dying before the year, the Ministry of Health of Buenos Aires, and said that about 3 million people suffer little known type of condition in the country.

The report estimates reported that between 5000 and 7000 rare diseases, with a prevalence of 1 case per 2000 population per year. The "rare diseases" are not only unfamiliar but extremely serious, said the study, and said that in 50% of cases that are diagnosed with this type of disease the patient is at risk of life. 65% of those diagnosed with rare diseases, rare, or orphan minority are severe, degenerative, chronic and disabling high grade. Some of these conditions are of high complexity and genetic, such as thalassemia, angioedema, retinitis pigmentosa, neurofibromatosis, achondroplasia or fragile X syndrome.

Rare diseases more frequent, as are the Osteogenesis imperfecta, Gaucher syndrome, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, cystic fibrosis and scleroderma. The report said the health portfolio such diseases has no cure and only some of them with proper treatment and medication accessible. He also argued that among the main difficulties faced by people with rare diseases is obtaining an early and accurate diagnosis, lack of specialists and lack of similar cases. The ministry said the cost of treatment is about $ 200,000 and in the country reported that about 3 million people suffer some kind of rare disease.


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